Guest Blog: Proud to Support Women and Children in the Community

Guest Blog: Proud to Support Women and Children in the Community

By Cornerstone Bank
Leadership Sponsor of the 11th Annual Spring-Tacular Celebration


Over the past few years, Worcester County has seen a spike in homelessness amid a lack of affordable housing. Central Massachusetts is not alone in this crisis; on a single night in 2023, roughly 653,100 people experienced homelessness across the United States according to the 2023 Annual Homeless Assessment Report (AHAR). At a time like this, it’s more important than ever for our community to come together and help. For this reason, we are excited and proud to support women and children who are experiencing homelessness across our community through our $8,000 sponsorship of the upcoming Abby’s House Spring-Tacular Celebration.


Supporting The Spring-Tacular

Abby’s House has led the way toward healing, safety, and new beginnings for women and children in Central Massachusetts for nearly 50 years. Since the shelter opened its doors in 1976, it has helped more than 15,500 women and their children reclaim and rebuild their lives.

While it’s unfortunate such a need persists in 2024, Abby’s House provides vital resources for individuals experiencing homelessness or unsafe living situations. Through its various shelter, advocacy and permanent housing programs, the organization continues to help women who need it most.

“The women assisted by Abby’s House come from many different circumstances. Whether they’ve fallen on hard times or escaped an abusive relationship, they know they have a place to turn to in Central Massachusetts,” said Cornerstone Bank CEO Todd Tallman. “The common denominator in all their stories is the need for help. Abby’s House relies on the community for monetary support that allows them to provide this much-needed lifeline.”

Committed to a Community Partnership
Cornerstone Bank has had a long relationship with Abby’s House, including donating $7,500 in 2023 to support the organization’s annual celebration. The donation helped Abby’s House reach their goal of $155,000. We are excited to continue this partnership and aid those in the community who require our support.

“Abby’s House is such an important resource for women and children who are homeless and looking for a way start again.” stated Todd Tallman, CEO of Cornerstone Bank. “The compassionate efforts of their dedicated staff play a crucial role in enhancing the well-being of our community members. It’s imperative that as a society, we continue to allocate resources that back such initiatives, while also working to diminish the stigma and bias that may hinder women from seeking the help they need.”

The entire team at Cornerstone Bank is looking forward to the upcoming Spring-Tacular event to help Abby’s House reach its impressive $210,000 goal!