Recovery Rocks

Throughout the month of September, Abby’s House celebrated National Recovery Month. With the help of Christine, a volunteer who teaches weekly art classes in our Women’s Center, the women of Abby’s House created recovery rocks, transforming each rock...

Poetry from the Women of Abby’s

When we were friendless you befriended us, When we were hungry you offered us food, When we were sick you had compassion, When we were homeless you invited us in, So with deep gratitude, We thank you for bearing with us, We thank you for caring about us, We thank you...

At Abby’s House, Daisy Found Herself Again

Daisy is a survivor of domestic violence. Forced to leave her job and flee her home to escape her husband’s abuse, Daisy came to Abby’s broken and with little hope. An accomplished artist, her husband had also destroyed her paintings and her will to paint. Then, she...