Celebrating Trailblazers

Kamala Harris, Vice President of the United States

As we welcome a new year and celebrate our 45th anniversary as an organization, we take pause today to think of the trailblazers that came before us. Our namesake, Abby Kelley Foster, who fought tirelessly for the abolition of slavery and was a fierce advocate for women’s rights, and our founder, Annette Rafferty, who with the support of a collective of volunteers fought tirelessly to open a shelter for women and children when nay-sayers told her that she couldn’t – that she lacked the ability and understanding to know how to truly help homeless women and children in need. Both Abby and Annette saw a brighter future for those who were downtrodden, that they could and would make changes to help blaze a trail to a more hopeful future where everyone had equal opportunities and their voices heard.

Today, we witness the inauguration of the first woman, first Black person, and first person of Asian descent to serve as Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris. We celebrate this milestone in our nation’s history, and know it is a steppingstone on the long, continuing path towards social justice. While there is still much work to do ahead for our country, we are excited to see how the United States will move forward in building a more just and welcoming nation that respects and reflects all of us.

Strong alone, unstoppable together. With the support of our community, we know that anything is possible.

In celebration and unity,

Stephanie Page
Executive Director, Abby’s House