Homeless in Worcester: Does the city need more shelters?

Feb 4, 2016 | News

Full and original article posted on Worcester Magazine

Richard Vaslet’s living situation isn’t ideal. On one hand, he’s on the waterfront with a clear view of Middle River Park, there’s a Walmart within walking distance and he doesn’t pay a penny in rent. On the other hand, Vaslet — who goes by “Red” — lives under a bridge by McKeon Road.

In a city where, just recently, residents raised hell when the streets were not plowed to their satisfaction after a few inches of snow, Vaslet had a message for members of the city’s Quality of Life Task Force who stood shivering around him recently on a brisk winter’s morning.

“This ain’t cold,” Vaslet, who lived under the bridge during last season’s record-setting winter and 90-plus inches of snow, said.

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