Worcester homeless shelters receive COVID-19 vaccine, will begin inoculating Tuesday

Jan 18, 2021 | News

Full and original article posted on telegram.com

The city’s residential congregate care programs and emergency shelter programs, including homeless shelters, domestic violence shelters and veterans’ shelters, will begin to receive the COVID-19 vaccine starting Tuesday.

Congregate care and shelter programs are within Phase 1, as outlined in the Massachusetts Vaccination Advisory Group principles for equitable COVID-19 vaccine administration.

Staff and residents who do not plan to be vaccinated through the Federal Pharmacy Partnership program (FPPP) with CVS and Walgreens, can apply to directly receive and administer COVID-19 vaccines (if they have the appropriate clinical capabilities); may leverage existing pharmacy partnerships or a relationship with a medical provider; or schedule an appointment at a provider location or a Mass Vaccination Site.

Click here to read full article.